What’s Acne?
When oil and dead skin cells clog your skin follicles, acne is the result of skin problems. Most individuals have had acne at some point in their lives; it’s a pretty common ailment, especially in teens when sebaceous glands generate more oil.
Acne, however, has no age restriction; many adults with acne are in their 40s and 50s.

Why does acne occur?
When oil and dead skin cells block your pores, acne begins to appear.
Every pore is associated with a sebaceous gland that secretes sebum, an oleaginous material. Excess sebum can clog pores, which promotes the growth of Propionibacterium acnes, or P. acnes, bacteria.
When P. acnes is attacked by your white blood cells, acne and skin irritation result. Whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples are frequent signs of acne, while some cases are more severe than others.
There are several causes that might lead to the emergence of acne, such as:
- hereditary
- nutrition
- stress
- hormone alterations
- illnesses
For the purpose of treating acne, standard clinical therapies are most successful. You can also attempt home remedies; however, further studies are needed to determine their efficacy.
Home remedies for acne
Apply apple cider vinegar
Fermenting apple cider, or the unfiltered liquid from squeezed apples, yields apple cider vinegar.
Research has shown that, like other vinegars, it can combat a variety of microorganisms and fungi.
Citric acid is one of the organic acids found in apple cider vinegar. Citric acid and zinc oxide have been shown to be effective in killing P. acnes, according to research published in 2016.
2017 research suggests that the lactic acid in apple cider vinegar may help acne scars look better.
Although some of apple cider vinegar’s ingredients could be able to treat acne, there isn’t any proof as of now to back up this claim. Given that it might irritate skin, some dermatologists advise avoiding using apple cider vinegar at all.
How to Mix:
- Take one part apple cider vinegar and three parts water; if your skin is sensitive, add more water.
- Using a cotton ball, gently apply the mixture to the skin after cleaning.
- After 5 to 20 seconds, let it rest, rinse with water, and pat dry.
- If necessary, repeat this procedure one or two times a day.
It’s vital to remember that most dermatologists wouldn’t advise using apple cider vinegar topically since it might irritate and burn your skin. Use it sparingly and dilute it with water if you decide to give it a try.
Make a mask using honey and cinnamon.
According to a 2017 study, honey and cinnamon bark extract both have antibacterial properties against P. acnes.
According to research published in 2020, honey by itself can either stop P. acnes from growing or eradicate it. This conclusion does not, however, imply that honey is a useful acne treatment.
In a 2016 study including 136 acne sufferers, it was discovered that using antibacterial soap alone was not any more helpful at curing acne than adding honey to the skin afterwards.
Further study is necessary, however, the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial qualities of cinnamon and honey may help lessen acne.
How to Make:
- To make a paste, combine one teaspoon of cinnamon with two tablespoons of honey.
- Apply the mask on your face after cleaning, and let it sit for ten to fifteen minutes.
- After thoroughly rinsing the mask off, wipe dry your face.
Tea tree oil

Melaleuca alternifolia is a tiny native Australian tree whose leaves are used to produce tea tree oil, an essential oil.
Tea tree oil used topically may help lessen acne, according to a 2018 research.
According to a little 2019 research, people who used tea tree oil ointment for acne reported less irritation and dry skin when compared to those who used benzoyl peroxide. They were also satisfied with the way the therapy had gone.
In line with a 2017 research, tea tree oil could be a useful alternative to oral and topical antibiotics, which, if taken repeatedly, might lead to bacterial resistance.
Because tea tree oil is so strong, it is best to dilute it before using it topically.
How to Make:
- One part tea tree oil to nine parts water is mixed.
- Apply the mixture to the afflicted regions using a cotton swab dipped in it.
- Use moisturiser if you’d like.
- If necessary, repeat this procedure one or two times a day.
Applying green tea to your skin
Due to its strong antioxidant content, drinking green tea might help support overall health. Additionally, it could lessen acne.
This is probably because green tea’s polyphenols aid in the battle against germs and the reduction of inflammation, two major factors that contribute to acne.
Further study is required to fully understand the potential advantages of green tea consumption in relation to acne, as there hasn’t been much of it.
Eighty women participated in a small 2016 study wherein they were given 1,500 mg of green tea extract every day for four weeks. Women who took the extract had reduced acne around their lips, on their chins, and on their noses by the conclusion of the research.
Green tea’s external application could also be advantageous.
2020 research has shown that Green tea extract has dramatically lower sebum production and acne-causing bacteria on the skin.
Green tea is an ingredient in certain creams and lotions that you can purchase, but making your own at home is just as simple.
How to Make:
- For three to four minutes, steep green tea in boiling water.
- Let the tea cool once it’s brewed.
- Apply the tea to your skin with a cotton ball or spritz it on using a spray bottle filled with the tea.
- After letting it dry, wash it with water and gently dry your skin.
The leftover tea leaves can also be combined with honey to create a mask.
Aloe vera

The leaves of the tropical plant aloe vera provide a transparent gel. Lotions, creams, ointments, and soaps frequently include the gel added to them.
2018 study indicates that it’s frequently used to treat:
- scratches
- rash
- burns
- injuries
- skin irritation
Salicylic acid and sulphur, which are both found in aloe vera, are often used to treat acne. According to 2017 research, salicylic acid used topically helps to minimise acne.
According to 2018 research, aloe vera gel may help with acne if mixed with additional ingredients like tretinoin cream or tea tree oil.
Even though the research appears encouraging, more studies are needed to fully understand aloe vera’s anti-acne properties.
How to use:
- Using a spoon, scrape the gel off of the aloe plant.
- Use the gel straight onto cleansed skin to provide moisture.
- Repeat as desired, one to two times a day.
Aloe vera gel is also available at stores; just make sure it’s made only of aloe and has no other additives.
There is much debate over the connection between dairy products and acne.
According to a study including participants aged 10 to 24, consuming whole milk three or more times a week was associated with moderate to severe acne.
A 2018 research involving 114 participants indicated that milk consumption was considerably higher among acne sufferers than in non-acneic individuals.
Nevertheless, a different 2018 study with over 20,000 people discovered no link between milk drinking and acne.
Since the data in these studies were self-reported by the participants, further investigation is required to prove a genuine causal link.
More investigation is required on the connection between milk and acne.
How to avoid pimples
Although there’s no 100% certain method to permanently eradicate acne, there are several behaviours you may include in your daily routine to help prevent outbreaks. Here are a few concepts:
Wash your face correctly: It’s essential to get rid of extra oil, debris, and perspiration on a regular basis to help avoid pimples.
Apply a moisturiser: Keeping your skin moisturised is important, even if you have acne. Dry skin produces oil to compensate, which can lead to an overabundance of sebum and plugged pores.
Minimise your makeup use since too much of it might clog pores and cause outbreaks. To avoid irritating your skin, if you do use makeup, make sure it is fragrance-free and noncomedogenic. Makeup should always be removed, especially right before sleeping.
Minimise touching the face: Touching the face can transfer bacteria onto the skin, try to minimise touching your face.
Don’t pop Pimples: popping pimples can cause bleeding, scarring and infection. It may cause inflammation, making pimple issues.
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