Hallucination: All You Need To Know

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When someone experiences seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, or tasting something that isn’t actually there, it’s called a hallucination.

In addition, medical ailments like neurodegenerative and ocular diseases, as well as personality disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder, can cause hallucinations. There are several possible causes for this escape from reality.

This article will look at the various reasons why people experience hallucinations as well as the different kinds, symptoms, and potential treatments for them.

Types of Hallucinations

Any of the five senses may be involved in a hallucination. This implies that the skin, nose, tongue, ears, and eyes can all sense things. 

Hallucinations with sound

A person has these hallucinations when they hear sounds that are not real. According to certain research, 5% to 28% of people experience auditory hallucinations.

Auditory hallucinations are extremely common in schizophrenia and can also be observed in 20% to 50% of bipolar disorder patients. An estimated 10% of people with serious depression and 40% of people treating post-traumatic stress disorder also have auditory perception problems.

The noises produced by auditory hallucinations might vary widely. Auditory verbal hallucinations are the term used when the non-apparent sounds are made up of voices. 

Visual Delusions

Visual hallucinations frequently cause a person to view an imaginary image and take it to be real. Elderly people are more likely to experience these situations.

Visual hallucinations are frequently observed in brain and ocular degenerative illnesses.4 Depending on how long their Parkinson’s disease has been present, patients may suffer visual hallucinations. The drug used to treat the condition, dopamine, also increases the likelihood of hallucinations.4 Throughout the course of their disease, up to 80% of Parkinson’s patients may have visual illusions.

Patients’ visual hallucinations have also been related to dementias and disorders of the eye and visual pathways. 

Haptic Hallucinations

Other names for tactile hallucinations are tactile phantasmata and haptic hallucinations. In the absence of any genuine stimulation, those who have this sensation typically feel touches to or beneath their skin.

The sensation of pinpricks, liquid or wind on the skin, a hand on the shoulder, and other sensations are examples of tactile hallucinations.

One kind of this disorder is called somatic hallucinations. In this case, bodily sensations are experienced in the absence of any comparable stimuli.

Why Do Hallucinations Occur?

Psychotic disorders and associated conditions can cause hallucinations. Less is known about the precise process underlying these symptoms, though. A few theories have been put forth as potential causes. 

-Studies using functional magnetic resonance imaging have shown how hallucinations might be exacerbated by the auditory network’s spontaneous activation.

-Similarly, an imbalanced limbic system mismatched against a hypoactive prefrontal inhibitory system may be at work, according to the neurocognitive VOICE model.

-The brain region known as the limbic system is in charge of processing memories, emotions, fear, pleasure, hunger, and other mental states. Hallucinations may arise when this system becomes overactive and the prefrontal cortex of the brain, which regulates cognitive function, is unable to appropriately regulate it. 

-In addition to being associated with psychiatric disorders, illegal drug use, neurological diseases (including Parkinson’s), and medication can also result in tactile hallucinations, including those that feel like insects crawling on the skin.



There are various methods for managing hallucinations. Treatments exist to control hallucinations and their effects.

-The primary method for treating hallucinations in schizophrenic patients and other disorders is medication. Antipsychotics manage a wide range of psychotic symptoms, including agitation, anxiety, hallucinations, and delusions.

-It’s crucial to remember, too, that between 25% and 30% of auditory hallucinations can be resistant to antipsychotic medications.

-People and others close to them can manage these symptoms more effectively if they are educated on the nature of mental illness and hallucinations.

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